RHOC’s Peggy Sulahian Admits She ‘Pushed the Wrong Button’ With Shannon, Meghan Edmonds Says Peggy “Plays Dumb”

by Sola Delano Comments

peggy sulahian vs meghan king edmonds

Following the highly dramatic episode of the Real Housewives of Orange County (aren’t they all!) last night, Peggy Sulahian and Meghan King Edmonds are both speaking out!

And the two ladies hold opposing views as Peggy claims she never intentionally meant to push Shannon Beador’s button while Meghan isn’t buying it as she believes Peggy “plays dumb and it’s so transparent.” 

First Peggy reveals why she wanted no parts of the psychic during Meghan’s dinner, and then goes into her drama with Shannon. Below are excerpts from Peggy’s Bravo blog

“Like I said at Meghan’s house, I have no interest in the psychic. I wanted to support Meghan out of respect and was later notified that she had a special guest. My path has been laid out and I am content in holding on to my faith. However, having said that, the dinner presentation was beautiful. Meghan’s Chef David did a wonderful job with the food and it was delicious. And to top things off was Lydia’s invitation to Iceland. I have never been to Iceland nor have I been on a girls trip. I usually travel with my family and I know this sounds odd in this day and age! But I am sure it will be a fun adventure. Wait, what am I supposed to pack? It was comforting to see that we were all in the same boat trying to figure out what to pack. Too bad the luggage is small!

Coming back to the dinner party, I guess I pushed the WRONG button with Shannon. Unbeknownst to me, she had issues with David. That’s why all the jaws dropped. It never crossed my mind that Shannon was in such a fragile state. It is clear to me now that this poor woman is dealing with so many issues in her life and that explains why she is lashing out everywhere. My intention was to clear the air and make peace with her. I don’t like conflict with others and I want people to know where I stand on issues. It is never good to push things “under the rug.” I wanted to talk to Shannon but all she did was twist what I said, retaliate, yell, and cry. At that time, I was still recovering from surgery and I was not as grounded as I am today. All I was looking for from these women was support and friendship. Kudos to Meghan for calling it as she saw it. I do apologize to Meghan for ruining her beautiful dinner, yet shouldn’t the psychic have predicted the clashing of colors?

Ironically, Shannon does address Tamra’s issue with clarity stating, that God has a plan for all of us and sometimes you have to go through a lot of pain. Maybe all she needs is a good cry! But it is hard to watch her in so much pain. Marital troubles can rock any house.”

Moving on to Meghan who slams Peggy in her Bravo blog as she basically isn’t buying whatever it is that Peggy is trying to sell! First Meghan accusess Peggy of being rude to her psychic friend, and then states that Peggy knew exactly what she was doing by asking Shannon the “do you trust your husband” question during the dinner.

Below are excerpts from Meghan’s blog –

“It was so upsetting that Peggy was my first friend to arrive and she was immediately off-putting to Mystic Michaela. If she didn’t want to read by her, that’s perfectly fine, but I was so disappointed with how rude she came off. Sure, stick to your beliefs, but she is still a person, a guest in my home and my friend. It was the perfect example of how ignorance and fear breeds stereotypes.

Not only was Peggy rude to my friend, but wow, what a time to bring up the David/Diko conversation to Shannon! Horrible timing. Not to mention, I thought this was already hashed out? I don’t understand why Peggy can’t communicate effectively – she just plays dumb and it’s so transparent. How inappropriate for Peggy to ask Shannon if she trusts her husband. Then when Shannon says, “don’t go there,” Peggy’s response is, “I don’t know anything.” What?! She implicated herself right there. Shannon is so emotive and wears her heart on her sleeve, so what did Peggy think her reaction would be? Peggy needs to learn better timing and really needs to stop with the cancer card. She gets mad when anyone talks about her health, but she keeps bringing it up. Don’t bring it up if you don’t want to talk about it.

I loved how Tamra and Shannon were so accepting and open-minded with Mystic Michaela, regardless of their strong Christian beliefs. Kind of funny how Vicki is afraid of a psychic, yet I’ve watched her have multiple psychics on TV…guess she has something to hide? And I knew Lydia wouldn’t want to have anything to do with a psychic, but at the same time, why not? They are people, too, made in the image of God. It was a little disappointing, but I’m happy that she still decided to come for dinner and wasn’t disrespectful about it.”

I must say I’m with Meghan on this. I like Peggy but I believe she knew exactly what she was doing when she asked Shannon if she trusted her husband David Beador. I believe that was intentional, and a sly dig at David’s past affair. While Peggy claimed to not have known anything, Shannon herself admitted she had told Peggy in the past about David cheating on her. And don’t even get me started on her rehearsed scenes with her husband Diko Sulahian when she pretends not to understand the most basic idioms despite having lived in the US since she was a kid.

Photos Credit: Bravo TV