Below Deck Med: Captain Sandy Yawn Discusses Kyle’s Feuds & Season 8 Drama, Plus Who She Wouldn’t Work With Again, & How Staff Changes Impacted Things

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Below Deck Med: Captain Sandy Yawn Discusses Kyle's Feuds & Season 8 Drama, Plus Who She Wouldn't Work With Again, & How Staff Changes Impacted Things

Credit: Bravo

Below Deck Mediterranean fans know that season eight of the show was drama-filled. There were quite a few feuds between Kyle and many other members of the crew.

Additionally, there’s also Luka, who made several mistakes that impacted the people he was supposed to be leading. However, Captain Sandy Yawn isn’t typically aware of all the drama that arises as it takes place. Now, she’s talking about the season and giving her full thoughts.

Of course, a significant reason why there were so many problems in this season of Below Deck Med is that multiple people in leadership positions were new to their roles. This was the case with Luka as well as with Tumi.

Now, Captain Sandy is dishing about all the drama in an interview with US Weekly. She first discussed Kyle, who, of course, got into several fights with crew members. Fans will even recall that this, and other issues, led to Natalya leaving.

In discussing Kyle’s fight with Max, the Captain had this to say, “As far as Kyle’s [fight with] Max, alcohol is not a lot of people’s friends. I don’t think Kyle would say that if he was not under the influence. Kyle is a great human being, just like Tumi, Natalya, and Max.”

In attempting to explain Kyle, she said, “Moments happen when people are in that mode psychologically. I think Kyle probably regrets it. I’m sure Kyle regrets a lot, and I think he’s actually admitted it on social media. That’s what I really like about Kyle is that he does own it after he does it. If he could just prevent it [though] because he has no filter. Sometimes you can think stuff, but just don’t use those words because it does impact other lives.”

The Captain then goes on to say that she would work with Kyle again despite his issues on board. In fact, she would work with all of them again because she believes in giving people the chance to change.

She also discusses “loving” all the crew members, except one.

“Every season comes with its surprises. Listen, imagine working and living together with the same. It’s not easy. So I give them a lot of credit for the staying power in the middle of it all. Lily was awesome. She was a joy to have on board. She’s great, and I love them all. Except for RuanI would never have him back. I could never trust him because that’s a big deal to do what he did.”

As fans might recall, Ruan forged his documents, which led to his dismissal.

She also discussed how employment changes and promotions led to problems.

“For Tumi, this was the first time she’s ever been a chief stew. It’s [about] learning for her. She was becoming wiser when she could.”

The Captain also had this to say about Luka being promoted to bosun, “Let’s remember Luka had never been a bosun before. Luka did the best he could given the circumstances that he was thrown into — as far as I’m concerned. He did me a favor and he rose to the occasion. He has the respect of his deck team, and it’s a learning curve. Not everyone’s going to be perfect out of the box.” 

She also discussed not being surprised by a recent episode when a guest began opening doors to the crew’s rooms. For her, she’s been in the yachting industry for a long time and has seen it all. Overall, it seems that the captain is proud of her crew and is willing to let them learn.