RHOC’s Tamra Judge Calls Vicki Gunvalson a “Pathological Liar”, Vicki Says Tamra ‘Wasted Her Time’

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On last night’s episode of the Real Housewives of Orange County, former BFFs Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson had a meet-up that ended in somewhat of a disaster after Vicki wasted no time in bashing Tamra’s husband Eddie Judge by suggesting he was only with her for her money and gym business, which ultimately led to Tamra walking out.

Nothing got resolved and in her latest blog, Tamra makes it clear she doesn’t believe Vicki is remorseful for her past actions, and even calls her a “pathological liar.” Yikes!

Below are excerpts from Tamra’s Bravo blog

Let’s be honest: it’s hard to forgive someone when they keep hurting you. It’s even harder when that person has NO remorse for what they’re doing.

I agreed to sit down with Vicki so I could let go of things. I didn’t want it to affect me anymore. If we could find a place where we could move forward, that would be great. But I knew it would take a long time before I trusted her.

They say the true signs of a pathological liar are:

BELIEVES THEIR OWN LIES: I really do think that Vicki believes her own lies. She’s so used to lying and getting away with it that it’s become a way of life. Even when she’s caught, she calls it “fabricating.” Never truly admitting she’s wrong.

LOOKS LIKE THE VICTIM: Immediately, Vicki accused me of things that I had done to her, none of them true. I asked her for examples of what I did, and she couldn’t give me even one. She just yelled and said I was interrupting her. The whole conversation was about how she’s the victim.

NEVER ADMITS GUILT: Not once did she admit her guilt. She has no guilt or remorse for spreading rumors about Eddie or inviting people to her party to create bigger lies. She truly believes that everyone in this world has done her wrong, Therefore, she is justified in “punishing” me.

SHIFTS BLAME: Instead of taking responsibility for her own actions, she tried to blame me for the things she was doing to me. All she did was insult me and make up more lies about Eddie.

COVERS UP WITH MORE LIES:  When I asked Vicki why Eddie would be with me if he was gay, she told me that maybe he wanted me to buy him a gym. WOW! She just created a new lie, one that I have actually heard that she’s been telling people around town. Eddie hasn’t needed my financial help EVER. We are partners in CUT Fitness. In fact, he worked at the law firm that he had been employed at for 13 years while we built CUT. This woman just can’t stop!

I knew I had to get up and walk away before I lost it. She’s proved to me that she’s incapable of being a good person and doing the right thing. She doesn’t deserve my friendship. I believe that the friendships you keep are a reflection of who you are. She’s not a good friend, and I’m starting to question if she ever was.

Proverbs 14:7: “Stay away from a fool, for you will not find knowledge on their lips.”

In the past few years, I have cut toxic people out of my life. I don’t want the negativity, and I don’t want to be around people that get off on bringing other people down. Enough said…I tried, and now I know where we stand, and I can move forward. Yes, I forgive her, but I don’t want to be her doormat anymore.

Moving on to Vicki who gave an interview to Bravo’s The Daily Dish about her sit-down with Tamra.

Following the disastrous meet up, Vicki now says she feels ‘like a fool’ and that Tamra wasted her time as she feels her former BFF wasn’t genuinely trying to reconcile with her.

“She came in with the attitude that she really didn’t want to be there, and that hurt my feelings because I was really coming from a place where I was gonna ask her for forgiveness, I really wanted to move on,” said Vicki. “And she’s like, ‘What’s up?’ Right away, it [made] me defensive that she asked me questions that did she really want to know those answers? I answered them. If I could do a redo, should I have answered the questions? I don’t know. I don’t know. But why did she come if she didn’t want to make up? I wanted to kiss and make up and move forward.”

Vicki once again repeats her claims that she feels Shannon Beador is influencing Tamra and is the reason they have yet to make up.

“Shannon’s been in her ear. I don’t think Shannon wants us to be friends, for whatever reason,” explained Vicki. “I don’t get it.”

Vicki then states that she feels Shannon wasted her time and shouldn’t have agreed to meet up if she didn’t want to make up with her.

“I don’t even know why she showed up then. One day I’ll ask her, ‘Why’d you come if you didn’t want to be nice to me, if you didn’t want to make up, why’d you bother wasting your time?’ My life’s busy; don’t waste my time. If you don’t want to be friends, don’t show up,” said Vicki. “I felt like a fool. I felt like I was begging her to get to a place of peace, to be nice.”

Vicki does close out the interview saying she still believes there is hope when it comes to rekindling a friendship with Tamra.

“I’m always hopeful because what did I do?” said Vicki. “I just know I have to see her, she lives around me, and we socialize with the same people, and she needs to really look at the big picture, like was it really that bad? This conversation that I had with Kelly regarding rumors about her husband [Eddie Judge], was it really that bad? It really wasn’t.”