Rayna Lindsey has slammed both producers and cast members on Bravo’s Below Deck. During this season, one of the most shocking storylines involved chief stew Heather Chase saying the N-word. Rayna expressed on social media that the situation wasn’t handled in a good way.
A few days ago, the star promised to spill everything about the show in an upcoming interview. At the time, she teased that Bravo was setting up Eddie Lucas to take over as captain for Lee Rosbach.
Now, while speaking on the Saynomo podcast, Rayna shared some more thoughts. She started with a positive note, wishing Heather “nothing but the best.”
She blamed the chief stew’s behavior on the fact that she is “so young.” Rayna said she didn’t care that much about Heather.
She also had good wishes for Wes O’Dell, who, in the last episode, had a run-in with Rayna after she questioned his blackness.
In a recent interview, Wes said Rayna never apologized for her statements about his race. Many fans were upset by the way Rayna treated him during the episode.
During the podcast, Rayna said she turned off the comments on her social media because she was tired of dealing with Karens. She also addressed this on her Instagram.
Rayna then claimed the show “had me looking like the villain. They just had me looking like this upset all the time. They just show reactions. They don’t show no action on why I am reacting the way I am acting.”
She also slammed executive producer Lauren Simms for focusing only on the negative parts of her storyline.
According to Rayna, she shared many hilarious moments with her costars, but they never aired it.
Photo Credit: Bravo