Jennifer Aydin’s Husband Bill is “Not Happy” About Jersey Mike’s Rant and Told Her “Not to Post” the Video, Plus RHONJ Star Slams Staff as “Rude and Dismissive” and Claims She Was an “Innocent Bystander”

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Jennifer Aydin's Husband Bill is "Not Happy" About Jersey Mike's Rant and Told Her "Not to Post" the Video, Plus RHONJ Star Slams Staff as "Rude and Dismissive" Staff and Claims She Was an "Innocent Bystander"

Credit: Instagram

Jennifer Aydin‘s husband, Bill Aydin, is reportedly upset about her controversial rant against Jersey Mike’s.

After the 47-year-old Real Housewives of New Jersey star posted a series of videos of herself berating the “rude and dismissive” staff and telling a “loser” customer she could “buy him,” Jennifer admitted that her family wasn’t thrilled by the ordeal. Plus, she revealed Bill, 51, didn’t want her to publicize the event, and she doubled down on her claims of having been mistreated.

“Bill’s not happy about it,” Jennifer admitted to Page Six on January 9.

Although Bill saw some of what took place at Jersey Mike’s, he “told [her] not to post the video.” Meanwhile, the rest of her family was in an uproar.

“When I got back to our group, everybody was so disgusted with the behavior [of the Jersey Mike’s employees and customers]. Everyone was all amped up,” she recalled. “I was like, ‘They were so rude! That’s not nice to be rude. You shouldn’t be rude to a customer. You don’t know who I am. … But you should just not be rude in general.’ So then I’m like, ‘I’m just gonna post it so that everyone can see their bad behavior.’”

“It backfired!” she added.

Looking back, as she insisted she simply wanted to make sure her children were fed, Jennifer said she should’ve “[listened] to the husband.”

“Ladies! Husbands know best,” she declared.

Still, she stood behind her claims made against the Jersey Mike’s staff, including the 80-year-old woman she described as “slow.”

“The amount of time she took to cut that bread was almost as much as we were waiting [in] that line. Jeez,” she complained, noting that she also “couldn’t hear.”

As for the male patron she argued with, Jennifer said he was a “freakin’ jerk,” “loser,” and “a**hole.” She then explained that she only mentioned her celebrity status because a “fan” had brought it up.

“When she said it, in my angst and my fury, I repeated it, too, because he was so rude to me when I was just an innocent bystander,” she said. “It shouldn’t matter who I am. You shouldn’t be rude to people.”

While Jennifer wasn’t apologetic about much, she did say she shouldn’t have called the woman old.

“I was just sad that she was working. I really was,” she insisted, noting that she couldn’t “believe how it’s gotten out of hand like this. At the end of the day, I could not expect them to take backlash on something that I did. If it’s one thing I am, it’s a very rational, reasonable person.”

“And I’m sorry to the Jersey Mike’s people that I put them on blast after, but it really was just in response to them being so rude and dismissive to me,” she explained, stating that she was “not proud of the behavior” she displayed.

Also during the interview, Jennifer, who was recently canceled from a cruise appearance, explained that her videos were made to highlight her fellow patron’s rude antics.

“I thought that I was going to put this gentleman’s bad behavior on blast and maybe I’d get an apology from Jersey Mike’s for being so freakin’ rude and dismissive. But no,” she shared. “[And] I don’t want that anymore!”

“Actually, I’m sorry. I’m sorry about the whole debacle. I really, really, like, really am. It wasn’t worth it,” she added.