Southern Charm’s Ashley Jacobs Fires Back at Haters for Skinny-Shaming Her About Her Weight!

by Sola Delano Comments

Southern Charm Ashley Jacobs Weight Skinny

Southern Charm newbie Ashley Jacobs, girlfriend of Thomas Ravenel, has been quite polarizing this season, gaining her own share of both fans and critics due to some comments she made about Thomas’s ex Kathryn Dennis.

It is however criticism about her weight that Ashley is now responding to after some fans of the show voiced their concerns that she is getting too skinny!

In a number of recent posts, Ashley, 33, addressed the comments from some of her fans, followers, and haters about her weight.

She wrote, “One of the biggest things I have been judged on, as of recently, is my weight. I’m not sharing this post for any kind of sympathy. I’m sharing this because I have been judged so much because my life is now in the public eye… If there’s one thing I’ve learned, and can share with all of you- Learn to love yourself and screw what anyone else has to say about you!”

Later in her comments section, Ashley, who is a registered nurse, responded to a fan who asked her why her weight has noticeably dropped since she started filming Southern Charm.

Ashley responded: “My health. Hyperlipidemia. Both my father and his father died of massive heart attacks at a young age. I know my medical history and past medical history better than anyone else! I’m doing all I can do to make sure I live a long, healthy life.”

Ashley Jacobs Weight Post

When another fan voiced concern about her weight loss, Ashley assured them that she is healthy.

She wrote, “Don’t be worried! I was at my heaviest when filming. That wasn’t healthy either! Don’t compare me to what you’ve seen on previous episodes. Thank you for your concern though.”

As for how she manages to “stay so thin”?  Ashley credits balancing a healthy lifestyle. “I do workout but diet is everything! I cut out all sugar, dairy and I eat very few carbs,” she shared with one of her followers.

Ashley weight posts

When it comes to the recent sexual assault allegations made against her beau Thomas, Ashley is keeping mum about that. As we reported earlier, South Carolina police has opened an investigation into Thomas after a new accuser came forward this week. Bravo is also investigating the claims as Thomas maintains his innocence.

Southern Charm Ashley Thomas

Ashley and Thomas recently celebrated their one year anniversary

A new episode of Southern Charm airs tonight on Bravo at 9/8c.

Photos Credit: Faye Sadou/MediaPunch/, Instagram