RHONY Star Bethenny Frankel Reveals New Boyfriend Paul Bernon Saved Her Life After Near-Death Experience This Weekend

by Perry Carpenter Comments

RHONY Star Bethenny Frankel Reveals New Boyfriend Paul Bernon Saved Her Life After Near-Death

2018 has been a rough year for the Real Housewives of New York City star Bethenny Frankel. Back in August, her on-again, off-again boyfriend Dennis Shields passed away suddenly from an accidental drug overdose. And now, she is revealing she almost died this past weekend.

On Monday, Bethenny tweeted about the near-fatal incident, telling fans that a severe allergic reaction to fish put her in the hospital emergency room for two days.

First, she took to twitter on Sunday to reveal she was having one of the worst days of her life.

She wrote, “Not since all the relief work, dennis’ passing & filming a season have I hit the wall. Today was that day. Still cannot move from bed.”

A day later, she clarified her earlier tweet by sharing details of her scary allergic reaction.

“I have a rare fish allergy. Sunday, I had soup, itched & was unconscious for 15 mins then to ER & ICU for 2 days w BP of 60/40,” Bethenny tweeted on December 17. “I couldn’t talk, see, thought I had a stroke & dying & told if 5 mins later I’d be dead. 911 & EPI saved me. I’ll never not carry an #epipen.”

And just hours ago, Bethenny replied to a fan who responded to her earlier tweet about her ex-boyfriend Dennis by reminding her she now has a new boyfriend, Paul Bernon.

“He saved my life,” replied Bethenny to the fan, crediting Paul for helping her get to the hospital.

Bethenny’s revelation shuts down rumors and speculation that the 48-year-old Bravo star had called it quits with her new beau.

In her post, Bethenny also thanked the doctors and nurses that saved her life by tagging Newton Wellesley Hospital in Massachusetts and writing “XO.”

Following her revelation, fans flooded Bethenny’s Twitter feed with well wishes, telling the Skinny Girl mogul that they were thinking of her and they were glad to hear she was OK.

During Season 10 of RHONY, Bethenny suffered from an allergic reaction during a cast trip to Colombia after eating a bowl of soup that she thought had chicken in it – but it turned out to be fish. While the women were sitting at dinner, Bethenny  asked if there was fish in the soup after her throat started itching. Shen then quickly got up to leave the room, and when she returned she admitted that she had vomited.

Then, during the confessional, she explained that when she eats fish, it gives her the worst feeling. “It’s like poison inside you,” said Bethenny.

Photos Credit:  Patricia Schlein/WENN.com/Alamy, Shutterstock