RHOD Stars Brandi Redmond and Stephanie Hollman Start Their Own Podcast! Will They Be Dishing On RHOD Co-Stars?

by Sola Delano Comments

RHOD Brandi Redmond and Stephanie Hollman Weekly Dose of BS Podcast

They are BFFs on the Real Housewives of Dallas, so it only makes sense for Stephanie Hollman and Brandi Redmond to collaborate on their own podcast!

This week, the Bravo reality stars revealed they will be co-hosting their own show, titled Weekly Dose of BS.

“Do you need a little extra BS in your life? Join @stephhollman and I every week on our new podcast, Weekly Dose Of BS, to keep up with all of our BS! SUBSCRIBE now to be notified when our first episode goes live!” wrote Brandi on her Instagram page.

On Twitter, a RHOD fan asked Stephanie if they planned to dish on their Bravo castmates and she denied it will be used as a platform to bash their co-stars.

“Omgosh- don’t plan to talk about any of the ladies. Just about life and have fun. Not interested in doing something to drag anyone down honey, not my thing at all. Just fun ❤️,” tweeted Stephanie.


And while the new podcast series has yet to air its first episode, it is currently topping the charts of iTunes. Brandi retweeted a Twitter post by Stephanie’s husband, Travis Hollman, which included a screenshot of the show at #1.

“Now that my wife’s @stephhollman and @BrandiRedmond podcast is top of the charts, should I be a little nervous about being the butt of their jokes? Probably. But it will be funny. #aweeklydoseofbs #RHOD,” wrote Travis.

The Real Housewives of Dallas recently concluded its third season with a dramatic two-part reunion. The series is expected to return for a fourth season next year.

Photo Credit: Instagram